“What Problems Does Moisture Create”

“All natural systems tend towards equilibrium. A hot cup of coffee transfers heat to the air in the room until they are both at the same temperature (this is related to entropy and the second law of thermodynamics). In chemistry, higher concentrations of a chemical move towards areas of lower concentration (known as Le Chatelier’s…

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“Resilient Flooring Adhesives: Working with the Right Product”

“With the popularity of LVT still high, resilient flooring shows no signs of slowing down. More customers looking to have resilient installed in both residential and commercial settings have brought new advances to the segment as manufacturers look to create products for every type of resilient floor, and for every type of setting. Question is,…

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“Concrete Moisture Emission Vapor Testing: Different Tests, Different Results – Why is That?”

“The two most popular concrete moisture vapor emission test methods are the ASTM F1869 calcium chloride dome test and the ASTM F2170 in situ relative humidity drill test. These are very different and distinct in methodology and results; they cannot be compared to each other. Both are quantitative result tests, though they measure different things.…

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Moisture Levels: Do Not Trust, Verify

“For the installation of vinyl-backed sheet products, manufacturers recommend the moisture levels to be at 80% as required by the ASTM F2170-02 “Standard Test Method for Determining Relative Humidity in Concrete Floor Slabs using the in situ Probes.” The ability to achieve these numbers is becoming more difficult to obtain. There are several factors that…

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“Relative Humidity Testing for Concrete: ASTM F2170 Becoming the Preferred Method”

“Why do testing?  The simplest reason why is to follow the industry standard: ASTM F710, Standard Practice for Preparing Concrete Floors to Receive Resilient Flooring. The language in the standard is very simple, and uses legal terms like “all,” “shall” and “regardless” that don’t allow for any wiggle room. “All concrete slabs shall be tested for…

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